Whether you are working from home or you are physically in the office, one thing you should be doing during your internship is taking advantage of you resources. Not only will you be working with experienced reporters who can teach you a lot, but the other staff members can also teach you new skills that will diversify you as a job candidate. Reaching out to staff videographers, photographers, people who are good with creating graphics/visuals, etc. to see if you can shadow them or if they can teach you anything is an amazing opportunity to learn something you might not get the chance to otherwise.
In my case, I wanted to learn any new skills I could during the course of my internship. I made sure to let everyone know that a big priority on my list was learning multimedia skills like video and photography. I have done a bit of it in the past, but I wanted to learn from the people I was working with so I know what is expected at the journalism and professional level. Because I made that a goal, I was able to get some training in that area and then apply those new skills to my work!
Internships are about getting as many skills as you can so you can be as prepared as possible for your career. Even if you are hesitant to try something or might not know if you will be good at it, now is as good a time as any to take the leap and try!